This is the pig that guards my computer. He never sleeps, always on guard. Ever ready to fend off intruders, hackers and any uninvited guests. He is highly trained in all sorts of martial arts (believe or not), so he is more than capable of handling any invaders. His eye sight is sharp and he can hear a pin drop in a tornado. His favorite food is carrots (good for the eye sight you see) and he likes to drink orange juice. So the message of this entry is don't mess with this pig... he is one tough pig.
Penguin thought of the day. "Cricket balls are hard!"
What can I say... I like Microsoft Flight Simulator (its the closest I can get to becoming a pilot), Penguins of course (as the name of the blog suggests). I like to watch most of the Studio Ghibli Films and I can't get enough of Frasier. I have recently started to get into Family Guy, its crazy but funny as hell! I don't know what else to say...
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